Backcountry Guiding
Any snowboarder’s dream is to find a line full of powder snow. But this is often harder than it sounds. Our guides from the Burton LTR Backcountry Guiding program will show you how to explore new and off-the-beaten-track places from Bucegi, Baiului, Făgăraș mountains safely.

UCOS & Burton LTR Project Romania
Un Copil, O Speranta (A child, a hope) Foundation together with Boarder’s Shop met on Saturday, January 9, 2016 at Arena Platos, Paltinis with a common goal: to make children happy, encouraging them to try snowboarding for the first time. The Fresh Meat team joined us, and Toni from Arena Platos was the host.

Snowboarding and children
You wouldn’t say, be it windy or sunny, children have no problem learning to snowboard. On 22.12.2015, all the installations in Sinaia were closed due to the wind, but at Burton Riglet Park at the base of the Valea Soarelui slope in Sinaia, things were totally different: no wind, only sun and peace. Ariana is only 3 years old and she enjoys every time she snowboards.